Wesley Challenge_Day 7

Do I give time for the Bible to speak to me every day?

SATURDAY – 01.09.21 • Read Hebrews 4:11-13
Wesley didn’t ask this question to create more for Christians to do. He wanted us to look at our efforts to daily engage the Bible as a way for God to speak to us, to shape us into more deeply committed Christians. Bible reading is not a task to be completed. It is a habitual practice to shape us and mold us into who God invites us to be. Learning to listen to God through the Bible forms a life foundation that helps us become more aware of other ways, such as music, prayer or the beauty of creation, in which God also desires to speak to us.
⇒ Do you struggle with finding (or taking) the time to read the Bible each day? As with any other good habit, start small—even five minutes a day, and let the time increase as the discipline strengthens your spiritual life. Is your challenge more with understanding and interpreting what you read? Devotionals like this can help guide your understanding—but you still need to reflect and pray, taking in what you understand from each Bible passage. Find more help in understanding in a quality study Bible or many other fine options. If you know someone who has developed the discipline of daily Bible reading, ask them about their experiences and routine, and what helps them hear God speaking through the Bible.

Prayer: God, stir in me a passion to read the Bible daily, and meditate on what I read. Give me the ability to understand, so that I can put your teachings into practice. Help the words of the Bible to not be just words on a page, but passageways of mercy into my heart. Amen.

Sunday Service: 9:00AM In-person or on Facebook Live


office hours: Tue, Wed: 9am-12pm, Fri: 9am-3pm
130 Locust Street, Lodi, WI 53555



Carlos I. Careaga, Pastor,

Stephanie Krueger, Office Admin, secretary@lodiumc.org

Scott Commings, Treasurer, treasurer@lodiumc.org