Pastor Peace’s Letter

Dear Lodi UMC family and friends,

Compassion. Compassion. Compassion: a compound word of Latin prefix com (meaning with) and the word passus from its verb meaning suffer and endure.

In these times of physical disconnection, this word has often landed in my heart, and vice versa. I have often run to this word in these times of chaos and unpredictability. I need connections with my church family more than ever, and I’ve learned that real connection doesn’t need to be always physical; it’s all about compassion – enduring together.

I hope that you feel your church – and your pastor – prioritize compassionate connection in this rapidly changing situation. I don’t want any of you to feel left out or lonely. If you know someone among us feels that way, or if it is you, please forgive me and know that you have the right to remind me of what I’m missing. I have commitments and responsibilities towards you. This is what I believe God requires of me: have compassion, make real, genuine connections, and stay close to God by holding you in my prayers.

I also hope you feel your church has proven itself flexible and at the same time unwavering in carrying out our mission and service. When the pandemic hit, our attitude was not about examining what should be stopped; rather, how we could do differently what needed to be done with a clear sense of purpose. Let me dare to say that we were not intimidated, but bold and creative because we believe it is a sense of community that we as the church can offer and we have the best news – God loves us and God is in this together with us. You have witnessed it through our many stories via our regular communications.

I’d like to finish this letter with my invitation to look to the future and prepare for it with me. Enclosed is an introductory letter about our church roof replacement campaign. This is crucial to the successful current and future growth of our church as we stay committed to serving our church family members and the entire Lodi community.

Thank you! God’s blessings upon you and yours,

Pastor Peace


p.s. There is nothing that makes a pastor more grateful than hearing a church family/friend desire to get more involved in the mission and ministry of the church. What are you passionate about? Where do you feel God calls you and gifts you? How can we help each other to live a fulfilling and thriving life? Please use information on the back to seek where you can serve to lead. Feel empowered to talk to me (, 592-3480) about how we can continue to build up an engaging, relevant, and life-changing community of faith.


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Sunday Service: 9:00AM In-person or on Facebook Live


office hours: Tue, Wed: 9am-12pm, Fri: 9am-3pm
130 Locust Street, Lodi, WI 53555



Carlos I. Careaga, Pastor,

Stephanie Krueger, Office Admin,

Scott Commings, Treasurer,