Pastor’s Letter (for the week of 03/15)

Pastoral Letter In Response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Situation

In such an uncertain time as this, as more institutions adopt social distancing, and as we reveal a despairing nature of human being – easier to be driven by fear than faith or even fact, it all makes me reflect more about our bonds as a community and question myself what’s the difference to be between thoughtfully and anxiously focusing on a problem. 

Just as I have, you probably have received many communications lately. Some cause more confusion and anxiety in me. Some help me stay alert yet calm. My beloved family of Lodi, I am writing this to assure you that you are cared for. This is time that I want to come closer to you NOT in the same way as visiting in person or holding hands to pray, BUT by holding you in prayer and calling you on the phone. This is time that we must check in with one another and stay connected in a safe way. This is time that we must see who is the most vulnerable among us and what their needs are now. If you or some of us you know are afraid to leave home but have to get needed grocery items or medicines, please let the church office know. 

As far as how the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) situation could affect our life-together for the next several weeks is concerned, we will watch the pandemic situation closely and keep you posted of any changes we may have to make regarding the ministry and programs of the church. What we can do immediately includes:

  • sanitizing your hands after you enter the church
  • not shaking hands to greet each other
  • If you have a fever or are experiencing flu like symptoms, stay home and let Pastor know if he can support you in any way.
  • Be diligent in checking email communications from church.
  • Instead of passing the tithing plate during offering, we ask that you place your offering in the basket as you leave the sanctuary after service.
  • Sanitizer is available for use before entering Fellowship Hall.
  • If you traveled lately, you are strongly encouraged to avoid contact with others for a period of two weeks. Please inform us and engage with us online.

Let’s remain in community in a way that reflects our genuine concern for one another when we are forced to keep social distance. Please feel free to call the church office with questions at 592-3480.

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Sunday Service: 9:00AM In-person or on Facebook Live


office hours: Tue, Wed: 9am-12pm, Fri: 9am-3pm
130 Locust Street, Lodi, WI 53555



Carlos I. Careaga, Pastor,

Stephanie Krueger, Office Admin,

Scott Commings, Treasurer,