Daily Lenten Practice – Reading the Gospel of Mark

Spend Time with Jesus Every Day in Lent

  1. Each day, begin with a brief moment of silence and attend to the presence of God in your life.
  2. Ask the Lord to speak to you through what you are about to read. 
  3. Read the reading from the Gospel of Mark for the day slowly and prayerfully, paying attention to any words, phrases, or verses that stand out to you. What sparks a connection between the text and your life? This – what is sometimes referred to as a “watchword” – might be a promise, a word of wisdom, an admonition, a comfort, or an encouragement.
  4. Read your watchword again, receiving what you read as God’s words especially for you. 
  5. Then, prayerfully reflect on the following questions: What do I sense God may be saying to me? If I were to take these words seriously, how would I respond?
  6. Spend time in silence again for God, asking God to make God’s message clear to you.
  7. Ask God to help you “hear new words, think new thoughts, and live them out.”

02/26 Lent Day 1: Matthew 28:18-20
02/27 Lent Day 2: Luke 3:1-9
02/28 Lent Day 3: Luke 3:10-22
02/29 Lent Day 4: Luke 4:1-12
Sun, 03/01:  Matthew 16:21-28, Luke 9:51
03/02 Lent Day 5: Mark 1:1-13
03/03 Lent Day 6: Mark 1:14-20
03/04 Lent Day 7: Mark 1:21-28
03/05 Lent Day 8: Mark 1:29-45
03/06 Lent Day 9: Mark 2:1-12
03/07 Lent Day 10: Mark 2:13-22 
Sun, 03/08: Luke 9:51-56, 10:25-37
03/09 Lent Day 11: Mark 2:23-3:6 
03/10 Lent Day 12: Mark 3:7-19 
03/11 Lent Day 13: Mark 3:20-35
03/12 Lent Day 14: Mark 4:1-20
03/13 Lent Day 15: Mark 4:21-34
03/14 Lent Day 16: Mark 4:35-41 
Sun, 03/15: Matthew 20:17-28
03/16 Lent Day 17: Mark 5:1-20
03/17 Lent Day 18: Mark 5:21-43
03/18 Lent Day 19: Mark 6:1-13
03/19 Lent Day 20: Mark 6:14-29
03/20 Lent Day 21: Mark 6:30-46
03/21 Lent Day 22: Mark 6:47-56
Sun, 03/22: Mark 10:46-52
03/23 Lent Day 23: Mark 7:1-23
03/24 Lent Day 24: Mark 7:24-37
03/25 Lent Day 25: Mark 8:1-10
03/26 Lent Day 26: Mark 8:11-26
03/27 Lent Day 27: Mark 8:27-9:1
03/28 Lent Day 28: Mark 9:2-13
Sun, 03/29: Luke 19:1-10 
03/30 Lent Day 29: Mark 9:14-29
03/31 Lent Day 30: Mark 9:30-41
04/01 Lent Day 31: Mark 9:42-50
04/02 Lent Day 32: Mark 10:1-16
04/03 Lent Day 33: Mark 10:17-31
04/04 Lent Day 34: Mark 10:32-34
Sun, 04/05 Palm Sunday: Luke 19:28-40
04/06 Lent Day 35: Mark 11:15-18
04/07 Lent Day 36: John 13:1-16
04/08 Lent Day 37: Mark 14:12-25
04/09 Lent Day 38, Maundy Thursday:  Mark 14:32-42
04/10 Lent Day 39, Good Friday:  Mark 14:43-52
04/11  Lent Day 40, Holy Saturday:  Mark 15:1-47



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office hours: Tue, Wed: 9am-12pm, Fri: 9am-3pm
130 Locust Street, Lodi, WI 53555



Carlos I. Careaga, Pastor,

Stephanie Krueger, Office Admin, secretary@lodiumc.org

Scott Commings, Treasurer, treasurer@lodiumc.org